The perfect Check-in

How To Win Over Your Guests Upon Arrival?
The moment guests enter your hotel they immediately start sizing it up. It takes 15 minutes for a guest to figure out what’s what. Therefore, as a hotel owner, you need to understand that even the minor details can have a big impact on your guests.
If you make a poor impression on your guests at the beginning of the stay, chances are you might end up losing upon them. Once they have fixated the thought that “this is a poor hotel” it becomes difficult for you to recover. The power of social media entails the guests to reviews where they can make or break a hotel’s reputation.
Winning the guests over initially will change the course of your hotel’s success. You will get to deliver more positive experiences and generate positive reviews. Here are some easy ways you can offer your guests the perfect check-in and win over them upon arrival.
1. Adopt an Easy Booking Process
Even before the guests enter your hotel, make sure you provide them easy booking options and lure their interest. Create your hotel’s website or check-in landing page and put it out for the people to see. Take bookings and inquiries on the phone and make sure you offer discounts and special packages for the first time visitors so that when they come to the hotel, you can make them stay over and over again.
2. Train Your Staff For Courtesy
Once the guest enters the hotel, they start judging the way things are being run. From the people at the door to the front desk staff, every person they see in between needs to warmly greet them so that the guests feel welcomed. Make sure your staff undergoes training and know how to treat the guests with courtesy.
3. Create a Smooth Check-in Procedure
Guests coming in are usually tired from their journey and they want to hit the bed without waiting for long. In such situations, it is important that you keep the check-in procedure short and simple. Offering prior identity checks make for a smooth process. Similarly, link up with local agents to help the incoming guests with the check-in process.
4. Offer Complimentary Amenities
Welcoming the guests is the first part; the second deal involves offering complementary services to the clients. Pamper the newcomers with an evening wine delivered to their room, morning coffee, and appetizers. Similarly, make sure you cater to every request that is made by the guests so that they know when they ask for something they will get it.
Wrapping Up
The times are great for small hotel owners as they offer more amenities and personalized services. This is because of the fact that larger hotels cant cater to everyone’s needs because of the sheer customer volume. The number of rooms offered in such hotels is less but they get to enjoy a good influx of guests because of their easy approach and hassle free procedures.
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